Implemented App
Software Default App
Sales and CRM
Human Resource
Project Management
Customization App
New App that developed by Rightechs
Calculate the sales man commission based on invoice payment using the defined percentage on price-lists
Credit limit
Helps to track employee attendance and calculate the plenty deduction according to defined attendance rule for each employee
Cheque module
Handle cheaque statues (Receiving, Under collection, Debited by bank, rejected or returned) with generated journal entries.
Duplicated quotation
helps the management to find the duplicated quotations based on same number of items in quotation, same item's name and the same quantity for each one
Sales Order Approve
Each salesperson has a limited discount on pricelists, so when salesperson need a higher discount he ask approve from his manager.
Implemented App
Software Default App
Sales and CRM
Project Management
Customization App
New App that developed by Rightechs
Real Price
New Costing method that will be used in calculating real product cost for any stock move.
Batch Number
Define a new tracking for each PO depend on PO number and purchase year.
Purchase Request
Define a new tracking method for each PO. Sequence is depend on PO number and purchase year.
Landed cost on paid items
System automatic generate journal entry that update paid item with their additional cost if landed cost is created after sales
Stock Position Report
New report that shows the situation of a particular inventory item at a particular time.
Helps to create a different packing with different quantity for each product to enhance your business and attract your customers.
Cheque module
Handle cheque status (Receiving, Under collection, Debited by bank, rejected or returned) with generated journal entries.
Sales Margin
Calculating Ma
rgin percentage (Profit Margin) and the Margin is calculated by the product's real cost after inventory move has been validated.
Stock Card
New Report shows Product values and Qty as following details:
1- It can be exported by product or category that shows all Moves in Excel or PDF
2- It can be shows the product qty that used in all moves (in or out or internal transfer) and their value in details
3- It can be a summary that shows sum of the product qty for all moves in and out. and their values 4- The report can be exported (All Moves or Moves' summary "the product qty and value" )
for specific period